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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gardasil and What Is Right

I'm not going to go through this too much - it's worth reading on your own.

But this was my response to many of the comments:

"This information is unfortunately not going to help those who have already been infected because it is not a cure. However, if presented to young people prior to sexual activity, self awareness and a better understanding of the body can aid them in practicing self control and a much healthier lifestyle. Ideally, there would be much less of a need for drugs such as gardasil if young people were better informed and able to make conscious decisions for their health."

The truth is that the best way to prevent the prevalent spread of HPV is quite simple. Abstinence. Not because it's rigid or even because it's moral (which it is), but because it is healthy. Plain and simple, you cannot get an incurable virus which is transmitted through sexual contact if you do not have sexual contact!

There are so many points to this which can and should be addressed, most especially through the philosophy of the Theology of the Body. This is the basic truth that man is looking for - an anthropology that elevates man from this animalistic idea of "no way to avoid sex so just band-aid it with drugs and contraception and abortion." This understanding gives man dignity and respect, and demands that we allow for the necessity of practicing control to earn such virtues. Nothing good is free, right?

Well, not actually. Many free things are very good, like God's loving us into existence and continuing to love us despite our failures. But beside the fact, the point is that humanity is seeking healing and answers, which the truth offers, but isn't ready to buckle to the weight of what the answers mean. I don't even have time to go into half of what I want to say about these issues, but I'll come back to them and begin to break them all down. For now, read the links!

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