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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Lord, Let You Light Shine Unto Others Through Me"

What a beautiful and meaningful prayer from Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta!

I'll never forget the day when Mother Teresa left this life to transition into Eternal Life. I'm sure those close to her were saddened by her loss, but I, not having known her personally, can remember thinking how amazing it is that I have walked this world at the same time as someone who will be in history and religion books for years to come for one simple reason-her love.

For those of you who are not familiar with Mother Teresa's story, she was the founder of the religious order Missionaries of Charity, who worked to improve life for those in poverty-stricken India. She won a Nobel prize for her work, and her work with the impoverished made her a household name throughout the world.

Mother Teresa essentially became so famous by her love, but Who did this love come from to begin with? Are we even capable of such love? If you felt a call from the Lord to up and leave your family, friends, and job to go serve the poor in some third-world country, could you do it?

Without a thunderous cloud or visit from Gabriel, I know I sure couldn't.

But what does it take to be so loving and become the kind of person who would abandon one's will, as Mother Teresa did?

As cliche as it might sound, I believe it takes true surrender. To truly mean, "Lord, let your Light shine unto others through me," you are giving the Lord permission to use you for His Greater Glory. It is important to note that this is not your glory, but His.

"Lord let your Light shine unto others through me." Pray it. Mean it. Take the plunge.

Maybe some day I will too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's awesome! :) Thanks love!