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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bowl-A-Thon Abortion

I was made aware of an article in CNS News concerning an organization who raised a large sum of money ($400,000) to pay for abortions for women in need. The article was highlighting the story of one 14-year-old girl who said that, “Getting my abortion means I'm going to get a second chance. And I want to make it count.”

I felt absolutely compelled to write a letter to the organization, even if they simply delete my email.
Below you will find a link to the organization as well as the link to the article from CNS.
PLEASE feel free to copy the letter below, edit as you see fit, and send it to them.

This is their email address:

I want to express my extreme distress at seeing your cause touted across the news.

I am heartbroken and disgusted that you would proudly proclaim that you are helping mothers to kill their babies.

I beg you to reconsider your position and your work. There are many other options for mothers who are unprepared for pregnancy. Allowing a baby to be born and adopted by a family who is desperate for a child to care for gives that baby the life it already possesses and deserves to live out, and it gives the mother the opportunity to heal in a unique way from the stress and struggle she is facing without lasting painful repercussions that come with the trauma of abortion.

No mother can anticipate the psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual effects that an abortion will have on her, but there are so many studies that reveal the hurt and long-term pain that killing a child causes. Why not help spare these mothers from this and also spare their children from death?

These are some links to further information that should be shared with any mother who is unprepared for a baby. 

  • Hope After Abortion website -
  • Adverse Psychological Reactions -
  • Suicide and Abortion -
  • How a Baby Develops -
  • Fetal Development Week by Week -
  • Adoption: Choosing It, Living It, Loving it -
  • Catholic Charities, Adoption -

Please consider that there are much better options than death for the child.

Sincerely in Christ,
Alissa Gotta

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